The infection of the human body by worms and parasites widespread in the modern world. Infestation by the worm – disease, accompanied by almost any unpleasant symptoms. The parasites suck the cells and tissues of the body with nutrients and vitamins, and the person receives a complex set of health problems. The treatment of parasites effective by using remedies. Although they give way to the speed of action medication drugs, but they do not have adverse effects on the body.
In order to protect against worms and parasites, it is necessary to know the sources of contamination:

- The dirty hands. The hand is necessary to wash with soap after every visit to the street and a toilet. This action is effective, but does not guarantee the absence of danger, so that during their lives people are constantly in contact with various things and objects. For example, in public transport needs to hold the handrail, in the store of the sort on the paper-currency.
- Insects. The legs of flies and mosquitoes are carriers of the parasite larvae. In the summer, the windows and doors of your home, you must close the curtains, and the food not to leave it outside, and put the lid on and a towel.
- Water. Often in unboiled liquid can inhabit a variety of parasite eggs and, therefore, on the water before you drink it, you should always boil.
- The pet hair. Pets, who live in apartments, it is necessary from time to time to wash and comb it regularly in their wool.
- Some of the food. Vegetables and fruits should be prior to use, rinse well. On the shelves in the store should not take weight shelled nuts and seeds.
The symptoms of parasites in the body
On the presence in the body of the parasites, say the following symptoms:
- Of the constipation. Some earthworms, which have reached large dimensions, overlap, gallstones and intestinal ducts and impede the normal process of defecation.
- Diarrhea. The micro-organisms are able to secrete substances to support the stool.
- To bloating and flatulence. Penetrating into the interior of the small intestine, the worms cause inflammatory reactions in the body.
- Spasms of the intestine. When the parasitism of micro-organisms of the fat penetrates the food is absorbed much worse. Because of this, the fat deposits that accumulate on the walls of the intestine and cause spastic.
- The sensation of the pain in the joints and in the muscles. Often, the parasites settle in the muscles and in the joint fluid. The immune system tries to fight against the uninvited inhabitants. In the framework of this struggle, a person feels pain, similar to arthritis.
- Allergies. The waste of earthworms are exposed to an attack from the immunity by the production of eosinophilic cells. With a lack of the development of the last, the body begins to be poisoned himself. In humans are beginning to manifest themselves in various allergic reactions.
- A skin rash. Parasite presence is rarely the cause of the dermatitis, eczemas, of papillom and ulcers on the skin.
- The anaemia. Intestinal parasites are able to attach to the mucosa of the intestine and suck the part of useful substances. Sometimes, the food of worms, can be composed of white blood cells, which leads to a great loss of blood and can cause anemia.
- The excess or underweight. Completeness is evidenced by the fact that the parasites consume primarily glucose and are poisonous to the body abundant waste. With strong slimming in a patient disrupted the process of metabolism.
- Irritability and excitability. The earthworms produce the toxic waste that disrupt the nervous system and have a depressive effect on the man.
- The sleep disorders. Approximately 2 – 3 hours of the night, the liver to throw away the accumulated parasites and toxins. Most often at this time, the eggs of helminths is piling up the anusnymi of passage and irritate the mucosa. The anus begins to itch and 't complain.
- The grinding of teeth during sleep. The toxic effects of the parasite disrupts the body's nervous system.
- The chronic fatigue. The syndrome occurs when the amount of nutrients in the body, due to their consumption of parasites.
- Oncology. Long-stay micro-organisms in the human body leads to disruption of the functioning of certain organs and tissues.
- The violation of breathing. If during a trip on the body of the parasites arrive to the respiratory tract, in a patient of symptoms, such as cough, cold and high temperature. Developed asthma or pneumonia may also indicate the presence in the body of the earthworms.
The patient is observed an increase in appetite and a huge craving for sweets and flour. Often the symptomatology is accompanied by headaches, nausea, and is not nice breath. The depletion of poop and of the nervous system infected appear to be specific to dark circles under the eyes.

The traditional recipes and ways of parasites
The garlic juice
Garlic contains the stopping power of the dose of the production volatile. This substance is to be taken with different types of micro-organisms and the outputs to the outside. To get a result, it is necessary to observe the following diagram of the reception: no less than 3 times per day, take 5 drops of garlic juice. It is desirable to make an hour before meals. In a week, the dosage can be increase up to 7 drops.
There is also an effective remedy against worms and parasites in a glass of milk curd add finely chopped garlic clove and 1 tablespoon of crushed black pepper. Mix and drink a line up to an hour before meals. The procedure of proceeding within a period of 5 days.
The infusions of nut
The kernel of the nuts are rich in essential oil, eugenol, which has devastating effects on parasitic individuals. The kernel of the nuts need to grind (you have to get a tablespoon) and add a glass of wine. Insist mixture, not less than 3 weeks. Ready infusion take 3 – 5 tablespoons before meals. The amount of the daily dose should not exceed 5 times.
The clove
To the pharmacy, bought 5 g of powder of cloves and poured a glass of boiling water. In a time of 1 minute, heated the mixture in a bain-marie, then insists on not less than 30 minutes. A teaspoon 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals decoction need to eat inside.
The council! You must prepare every fresh decoction of cloves, as well as its composition rapidly evaporates the active substances.
Tincture of foxes
Chanterelles – fungi. They contain killing the parasites of the substance of Hainan. Use only the tincture of these mushrooms. Own fresh mushrooms need to stress about two weeks on the alcohol. Take before bedtime with a teaspoon for 7 days.
The infusion and the powder of the seeds of tansy
It is necessary to prepare the 2 tablespoons of flowers of tansy, and pour 1 l of boiling water. Leave for an hour. The rules on the admission of finished dyes:
- adults need to take before meals at least 3 times per day 1/2 cup;
- the children give the same pattern a soup spoon.
Help! In pharmacies, you can buy something a little stronger against the intestinal worms – the powder of the seeds of tansy. It should be applied two times per day before meals, adults: one teaspoon for children – a half-teaspoon.
The absinthe liqueur
1 tablespoon tarragon is diluted with 100 ml of alcohol and insist in a dark place for about 14 days. Loan of the dye need to drink 3 times a day for 20 — 30 minutes before a meal for 15 — 20 drops.

The pumpkin seeds ground
In the seeds of pumpkin contain pernicious for parasites of the substance cucurbitina, which has paralysed action. 300 g of pumpkin hulled seeds ground up and mixed with water or honey in a ratio of 1:1. On an empty stomach, drink a glass of mixture. After this, do not eat 3 hours and take a laxative.
The carrot juice
The fane that mary and the seeds of carrots contain substances which act on the parasites to their cellular level.
The carrot juice will be more useful in the combination of all the parts of the carrot. The juice may be drunk at any time of the day, but not more than 2 glasses per day. The greater efficiency of the juice was taken in the morning on an empty stomach. In the course of a week. To consolidate the results of the procedure spend at the end of 14 days.
Garnet cortex
In the skin of the pomegranate contains a single substance – pellerin. It kills all types of micro-organisms.
Help! Pellerin official acknowledged anthelmintic drug. The concentration of this substance in a 0.01% can completely destroy all of the parasites and their larvae.
To prepare the therapeutic infusion, take 50 g of beans cobalt pomegranate and pour 400 ml of boiling water. The mixture is infused for 6 hours, then boil until then, until the volume of the infusion is not divided by two.
The schema of the therapeutic application of the grenadiers of the crust:
- sips in the volume received an infusion of need to drink for an hour;
- after the reception to wait for 30 minutes and take a laxative;
- in a period of 4 hours, not to consume food and liquid;
- complete the procedure for cleansing enema.
Tincture of ginger root
Contained in the ginger root cineol, genial and vanillic acid, are unbearable substances for parasites. 500, grated root pour 500 ml of vodka and insist in a period of 15 days, each day shaking the container with the dye. Take for a half-hour before eating a teaspoon 3 times per day.
The onion
Average you need to cut an onion into small dice and pour a glass of water. Insist night and drink half a cup in the morning on an empty stomach and a half a cup before bedtime. In the course of a week, with breaks of 10 days.
A small root of horse-radish should be grated and squeeze the juice out of him. Before drinking a tablespoon of juice diluted in a cup of boiled water. Uses in a period of 5 to 7 days prior to every meal.
In a thermos 500 ml of boiling water put 2 tablespoons of dried herbs of tansy. Let stand overnight and, the strain, divided into 4 equal parts. Consume it in the following way:
- the adults in a period of 10 consecutive days must take ½ cup of the drug 1 hour before meals;
- the children at the same time should eat 1 tablespoon 3 times per day.
The soap of marseille
A solution of soap kills all the germs on the skin and prevents penetration to the interior. The need to wash hands soap after every visit to the street and after the toilet. After defecation with a solution of soap need to wash the anus. Such a procedure is to kill all the parasites and their eggs, the backlog and the anus.
Soda can be used to combat pests from the outside and taking it inside:
- To the external. 2 tablespoons dissolved in 700 ml of warm water. What liquid do enemas once a day for a week.
- Inside. In a glass of warm boiled water take 1 table spoon of baking soda. A solution to drinking on an empty stomach. Prior to the receipt of 10 minutes you need to drink a glass of simple water.
Coriander seeds
A handful of seeds in a heated pan without oil and ground in a coffee mill. In a period of 4 to 6 days the powder added to food or drinks, and uses 1 to 3 times per day.
Watermelon seeds and milk
Prepare the watermelon seeds calculation in the milk of 1:10. Grind in a blender and mix with the milk. On an empty stomach, drink a glass of funds throughout the week.
The seeds of papaya contain caritin, which displays the different types of worms. Teaspoon of seed powder diluted in a glass of water or milk. In the morning, before eating this medication is taken for 7 to 10 days.
Black walnut

Contains the mass of anti-fungal and anti-parasitic dangerous. Content in the fruit of the régianine, has the odour of iodine, repellent micro-organisms. The nuts also combines a variety of tannins, ascorbic acid, organic acids and flavonoids.
Easier to buy supplements with the black walnuts in a pharmacy. Reception of these works according to the following diagram: the seven days of the receipt, and then a break of seven days, and so 4 times.
Precautions! The black walnut is able to lower the pressure, therefore, for hypertensive patients, it is necessary to establish such an order of receipt: 1 capsule per day and gradually to bring it to the dose recommended by the manufacturer. The black walnut can not be used as a medicine during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Advice on the effective implementation of remedies
For treatment against parasites has brought the most value, follow the following recommendations:
- Only the herbs it is best to brew beer and other brewed in the cold boiled water. To clarify this point in advance.
- Stir the herb, it only takes enamel or glass containers.
- It is preferable to apply fresh decoction of the plant, a period of several days.
- Impossible for the preparation of herbal tea using a microwave oven.
- You don't need to add in mortars and infusions of sugar to improve the taste, as well as the sugar deepens the therapeutic properties of drugs.
The benefits of herbal remedies
An advantage of the use of medicines against worms and parasites, it is that the decoctions and infusions of basis contain exclusively natural vegetal ingredients. When they do not cause allergic reactions and absolutely harmless to the human body. In addition, the negative effects of the popular drugs are virtually non-existent.
Medicines, folk medicines are not only kill the parasites and drift to the outside, but have a therapeutic effect on the systems of the body:
- normalize the intestinal flora and heal dysbiosis appeared on the backdrop parasitic livelihoods;
- exert an antibacterial action on the whole body;
- repair the metabolic processes;
- strengthen immunity.
Cure worms and parasites with the help of remedies, you can quickly and effectively. To do this, it is necessary to respect the right dosage of the use of these drugs and to ensure the absence on them of allergic reactions. If during the use of, or the other, the patient will begin to manifest symptoms, treatment, you must stop and consult a specialist.